Many soldiers were recruiting to fight in this war. The soldiers take advantage of having the power and they started to take possession of everything in the way. By this time, they were living in the south part of Mexico where the war began. The revolution was advancing and it started to takes everything on the path like places, houses, people’s lives and inclusive women. Soldiers didn’t care about nothing they will do whatever they want. My Great-grandmother decide to take her family to a safe place in the north part of the country where the war wasn’t arrive yet but, one night early morning before they leave my grandmother and her daughters will heard steps and gun shots all over the place. The soldiers were there looking for a place to stay. A strong fearful feeling came to my grandmother that something wasn’t right. The soldiers captured one of her sisters and took her with them. They never saw her again.
Many things change in my family because of it, my grandmother was crushed because she lost what she most love, a sister. So they walked all around the North part of Mexico, they passed through Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Sinaloa until they arrived to Sonora but, in the way they must hide from the robbers and the soldiers if they wanted to be together. They hid wherever was possible, sometimes they used to be underground for almost a week or more. “Living underground is the worst thing you can probably imagine. Sometimes we didn’t have light, or food only water that came from the nearest river”, she said. When she told this to me and my sister we were touched and happy because after all she was a brave and strong woman.
In addition when they were hiding of the war, my great-grandmother thought about how can she give education to her daughters. They didn’t have time to go to school or pay for a tutor. The education that she and her sister receive was home education. My great-grandmother show them values, manners, housekeeping, and some sewing. She really wanted to go to school, which was not a possibility because of the bad war days. But when the war starts they learn new things and gain more experience that make them be more mature. “Nothing was more important than staying alive.” She said.
Moving to a new land wasn’t that easy, my grandmother would remember the sounds of the city she left once to move on. She stills remember the cold weather in summer days and she would remember what she had lost there and the people who helped them flee that city. Now, they were in a new state far away from where she knew every step of the ground to this new place that wasn’t that bad at all and that she didn’t knew. She was now a town girl and no longer a city girl. At least they would be safe there. They would start to have a life again.
Nowadays, my family and I celebrate The Mexican Revolution by going to a big parade in the same place where my grandmother started a new life. The parade is in the middle of the principal street, and we have fun watching all the amazing decorated floats. However, for my grandmother, this day is a memorable because it doesn’t represent only the fact that she needed to hide underground without light, food, water or education, it represents the day she lost something in the path because of the Mexican Revolution, the most important thing of her life, her always beloved sister.
I feel bed for your Mom. The past of your mom, is one example that we should always appreciate whatever we have.